Drakdoo Price Action

364.625.959 alerts fired and counting

Trendline Alerts 🆓

Setup trendline alerts with ease.

Alerts on Indicators

All the indicators you need in an accessible interface.

Crypto & Forex

Stay on top of all cryptocurrencies as well as traditional markets.

Scripting For Humans

Not everybody is a programmer. Build your own indicator without programming, optionally spanning multiple charting periods.

Accurate, Reliable & Real-Time

You can stop staring at the charts 24/7, knowing that you will be alerted in real-time when relevant price action occurs.

Technical Analysis

Perform in-depth analysis, annotate charts, using an interface tailored for mobile.

Intelligent Indicators

Go beyond price breach alerts and be notified when the current trend has a high probability of switching directions.

Exchange Probe

Setup just one alert and monitor all pairs, possibly hundreds, of an exchange.